2017 Web site - Home page design and hover states. Top slider shows different echocardiography imaging.


Branding campaigns for ECHO 2018, 2017 and 2016 conferences. Designs highlight the most up-to-date methods of echocardiography. This meeting features nationally renowned experts in echocardiography, valvular heart disease, and imaging modalities.

Role: Branding, art direction, graphic design, anniversary logo design, production/layout for print, digital, and environmental work.

 2017 Web site - Home page design and hover states. Top slider shows different echocardiography imaging.

2017 Web site - Home page design and hover states. Top slider shows different echocardiography imaging.

 2017 Web banner ads

2017 Web banner ads

 2017 Digital promotions: slides, social media post, and eblast

2017 Digital promotions: slides, social media post, and eblast

 2017 Tri-fold brochure mailer design and layout. 17.88” w x 9 “ h, folds down to 9” w x 6” h, 4-color process printing, coated paper.

2017 Tri-fold brochure mailer design and layout. 17.88” w x 9 “ h, folds down to 9” w x 6” h, 4-color process printing, coated paper.

 2017 On-site environmental graphic designs printed and produced in collaboration with an external vendor

2017 On-site environmental graphic designs printed and produced in collaboration with an external vendor

 2018 Web site - Home page design and hover states. Created custom animated gif within the shape showing various echocardiography modalities. Images and copy are coded to animate/slide in from the grid lines on scroll.

2018 Web site - Home page design and hover states. Created custom animated gif within the shape showing various echocardiography modalities. Images and copy are coded to animate/slide in from the grid lines on scroll.

 2018 Web banner ads

2018 Web banner ads

 2018 Various digital promotions: slides, eblast, and social media post

2018 Various digital promotions: slides, eblast, and social media post

 2018 Interactive PDF brochure layout with clickable links and URLs

2018 Interactive PDF brochure layout with clickable links and URLs

 2018 Print designs: badge, postcard (8.6” w x 5.6” h, 4-color process printing, coated paper), and question card

2018 Print designs: badge, postcard (8.6” w x 5.6” h, 4-color process printing, coated paper), and question card

 2018 On-site environmental graphic designs printed and produced in collaboration with an external vendor

2018 On-site environmental graphic designs printed and produced in collaboration with an external vendor

 2016 Print designs printed/produced in-house: exhibitor game card, exhibitor guide, and question cards

2016 Print designs printed/produced in-house: exhibitor game card, exhibitor guide, and question cards

 2016 Tri-fold brochure mailer design and layout. 17.88” w x 9 “ h, 4-color process printing, coated paper.

2016 Tri-fold brochure mailer design and layout. 17.88” w x 9 “ h, 4-color process printing, coated paper.